Botox® & Dysport®


The entire neurotoxin (Botox vs Dysport) procedure takes less than 20 minutes, making it easy to touch up your skin in between running errands throughout your day.

Improved Confidence

After treatments, many clients report feeling ready to navigate the world with a face that makes them more confident with themselves. With smooth skin, you will feel more confident in social situations, when posing in pictures with friends, and when giving presentations at work.

No Downtime!

There’s a reason neurotoxins have been termed the “lunchtime cosmetic procedure.” You can return to work and non-strenuous activity immediately after treatment.

Quick Results

Neurotoxin results can appear in just 24 to 48 hours after your appointment. Full results are visible in 30 days and last about three to six months.

Visit us at our beautiful Enumclaw location! Book below!

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