Vaginal Health! What we ALL should be talking about!

So there’s no way to beat around this bush so I figured why not start out with a bang? Many of you know me, but for those that don’t, my name is Anne-Marie Gitchel. I’m a Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) and have been in medicine for over 20 years with more than ten of them being […]

What’s Wrong with Being Confident?

“Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.” This is a quote that we hear over and over again and oh do I believe it is true. In my line of work, I see many clients for many different reasons. Some come to me because they are insecure with things related to their skin or […]

The Game Changer in Weight Loss!

Like many of you, I’ve battled my weight issues throughout my life. I’ve danced through every diet known to humanity and witnessed my weight fluctuate dramatically. The struggle isn’t just professional for me it’s deeply personal. Understanding the health implications of maintaining a healthy weight, I decided to take a proactive step. At this point, […]

A little about me!

Hi! I’m Anne-Marie. I’m a Nurse Practitioner who has been in practice for over 10 years. I have been getting Botox since I was 28 because I’ve always considered it “preventative medicine”. I was terrified when I first started and the only reason I did was b/c I “won” some free product. Little did I […]